Conferences and Training

Buyela KuYesu!

We are so excited to what God has planned during this 7 week initiative of Aflame Ministries and Iris Ministries from 1 November to 7 December!  Please click here for more info on how to get involved:

Itinerant Ministry

In Matthew 24:14 Jesus makes the following statement, “Yet through it all, this joyful assurance of the realm of heaven’s kingdom will be proclaimed all over the world, providing every nation with a demonstration of the reality of God. And after this the end of this age will arrive.”
For this reason we are passionate about nations, because of His desire for nations. Jesus deserves the worship of every tribe and every tongue; and every tribe and tongue deserves the opportunity to hear about our glorious King. He left us with the responsibility to proclaim the Kingdom of Heaven to all people BEFORE the end can come. It is such a privilege to take the Good News to the nations and so form part of completing His desire for all men to hear the Truth.
Henk and Marise have taken this mandate to heart, and together with their three children, pursue His kingdom to manifest in every area of their lives. Henk travels both locally and to the nations, equipping and encouraging the body of Christ to step into the glory and grace available to us all through the sacrifice of Jesus. Through a love for the Word of God and the supernatural power of the Spirit many have encountered the Lord igniting fresh passion for Him and His purposes in their lives. Henk and Marise loves seeing hearts set aflame with passion for the King again. Miracles, signs and wonders accompany their ministry, changing lives and leading many to the Lord. 
And they said to one another, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?” ‘ Luke 24:32

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Would you like to sow into making the gospel go international?

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Ministries and individuals that we have close relationship with and keep us accountable to our vision, mission and core values.

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