
Our Heart for Missions

In Matthew 24 Jesus makes the following statement in verse 14: “Yet through it all, this joyful assurance of the realm of heaven’s kingdom will be proclaimed all over the world, providing every nation with a demonstration of the reality of God. And after this the end of this age will arrive.”

We are passionate about nations, because of His desire for nations. Jesus deserves the worship of every tribe and every tongue; and every tribe and tongue deserves the opportunity to hear about our glorious King. He left us with the responsibility to proclaim the Kingdom of Heaven to all people BEFORE the end can come. It is such a privilege to take the Good News to the nations and so form part of completing His desire for all men to hear the Truth.

For us this includes soul winning through street ministry and open air meetings, equipping the saints through training and conferences, church planting and outreach in practical ways. We partner with existing works in many of the nations, but also pioneer new works in other nations. Every outreach is different and sometimes we take teams along with us to be part of what He is doing.

Aflame Ministries Transkei-61

Eastern Cape Mission

In 2015, the ministry moved to the Eastern Cape. Here they pursue the word the Lord gave Henk and Marise during a season of fasting to raise up a 100 000 disciples in what was formerly known as the Transkei region. This region is home to the Xhosa-speaking people in South Africa. They are beautiful people with the ability to liberate and bring freedom to a nation. The villages spread as far as the eye can see, from mountain tops to valleys, housing approximately 3 million people. Many of the villages are hard to reach, and have no pure Gospel churches in them.
Communities are tormented by witchcraft and ancestral worship, causing poverty and destruction in families. In most of the existing ‘churches’ in this region the worship of ancestral sprits are allowed and encouraged. But through the years we have seen how the beauty of Jesus transforms lives, breaking the grip of death and destruction as people turn to Jesus.
Our focus is to reach these villages through the love and power of God. We do this through Gospel campaigns and door to door ministry, planting churches and raising up leaders from the local communities who love the Word and the Holy Spirit. Our goal is to raise up powerful local leaders that will preach a pure gospel and display the Kingdom of God in every area of life.

Zimbabwe Mission

Jairos and Florence Shelele planted a church in the Cheredzi district, Zimbabwe in January 2016. They live in a very rural community with houses often kilometres from each other. As in many African nations, the people are steeped in ancestral worship and witchcraft practices opening the doors too demonic destruction in their lives. Jairos and Florence minister to approximately 200 people per week in their homes, at schools and clinics in the communities. 

Zimbabwe is a nation suffering from some of the highest levels of poverty in the world and it is a privilege to present them with the hope of Jesus in their despair. They have been witness to many new believers being added to the body of Christ through sharing the truth in power.

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