Our Story

Aflame Ministries was founded in 2010 by Henk and Marise Kleinschmidt with a vision to see hearts burn with passion for Jesus, wether that be the unreached finding life in Him or churches being ignited with new hope and fire for the King. They started the ministry in Pretoria while serving in local church and leading outreaches to less privileged communities, street evangelism outings and international missions work. Their hearts are set on being obedient to the Lord by doing what He said in Matthew 10:7-8 (NIV) – 

And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.”

This resulted in them witnessing numerous healings, miracles and deliverances over the years. His love flowing through power has opened the hearts of many to come to Him and surrender their lives to His goodness.

God has used the ministry to touch people of all walks and social standing through conferences, within and outside of South Africa, allowing them to speak into different streams and expressions within the body of Christ. They have since been involved in 15 nations around the world winning souls, training leaders and encouraging believers at conferences. 

In 2011 the School of Supernatural Ministries was launched, training more than 600 students over a period of 4 years to walk and minister in the power of the Holy Spirit. Many students ended up in full time ministry in churches or the missions field, or serving in some capacity within the body of Christ. This season was marked with wonderful manifestations of the Lords presence taking place in the school, but more excitingly in the market place and homes of the students. Students traveled for 100’s of kilometres to attend as the Lord poured out His spirit in afresh way. This led to relationships with international revival leaders that came to South Africa to impart and equip the body of Christ, relationships that is remains a blessing to our nation to this day. 

A big part of the ministries focus since 2016 has been to reach the beautiful amaXhosa people of an area formerly known as the Transkei, Eastern Cape. This is being done through teams of missionaries and local leaders doing evangelism, discipleship and programmes with the children. During this time the Aflame Missions School was launched to equip leaders to transform their communities for the glory of the Lord, with Jesus at the centre of everything that they do. These leaders are then launched back into their villages, cities and nations to start a flame of passion for the King in the hearts of people. 

This journey is still unfolding and developing as we trust Him to fulfil His desire on earth by giving our ‘yes’ to Him. Our prayer is that people will encounter the Lord in the same way that those two disciples on the way to Emaus did, leading them to say ‘“Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?” ‘(Luke 24:32). May He be glorified!

Be blessed!


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